We then drove to Minnesota for a wedding during a ridiculously severe heat wave. We sat under a tent and sweated for four hours; it was a happy occasion, but I think I sweated off about 10 lbs. (I'm sure it all came back.)
Once in Wisconsin, I had my eyes peeled for Sandhill Cranes; I'd seen that we'd be in their breeding range and that there were lots of reports of them in eBird. We hit two different spots listed as "hot spots" around Beloit, WI, but we didn't see any cranes. I was also hoping to see a Dickcissel to get a better photo for my lifebird photo file, but again -- nothing.
On the road between WI and MN, however, we struck gold:

A few days later, on the way home, we saw these cranes in Ohio; after another 30-minute turnaround, I was able to get a decent photo:

While we were in Beloit, I heard the constant twittering and buzzing of dozens of House Wrens: