Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Golden Moon

Night before last, we were lucky enough to glance out the kitchen window and catch the full moon in glorious orange-gold. I called Kat (my partner) and Em (our daughter) to come see, and we sat outside on the adirondack chairs, watching the golden moon rise over the marsh. The addition of the fireflies' nightly display (which we call "Hollywood") really made it a night to remember.

I happened to be on the Woodsong blog ( and I saw this:


July - Month of the Ripe Corn Moon

I guess that's what we saw. Unfortunately, my corn is not yet ripe, but I did notice yesterday that some baby corn is definitely being born on my plants (I planted 'Bandit' and 'Honeycream'). I can't wait to sink my teeth into that stuff. My tomatoes ('Early Girl', 'Sweet Million', 'Better Boy') are coming along, and soon I'll have more tomatoes than even I can eat. What a great problem to have.

Still no ID on that bird from the other night. Also, Roana Fuller forwarded me an email from another birder wondering if something is up with the cedar waxwings around here. No one is seeing very many, and certainly not in their usual big groups. Weird. I finally saw one waxwing the other night on Rte. 45, but again he waited to show up until it was too dark for me to see his full coloring, and he was alone and stuck around for a couple of minutes.

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