Picture 1 is a view through the scope (with vignetting left for full effect) of a large oak across the marsh.

How about another view through the Psycho-scope, shall we?

Those ghosts can be slippery.
More corn, anyone?

So you see my dilemma. The worst part is that, in some sort of unverse-taunting-me kind of trick, I went on the Surplus Shed site and saw these:

Now I know what you're thinking--you're thinking, "No! Don't back down now! You've come so far!" And yes, I have come a long way from the days of getting lenses but not knowing how to mount them, the prospect of a 32-inch spotting scope monster, baby-pea-sized lenses and utter disappointment. But gees, this is getting ridiculous.
I did find a fascinating tutorial on optics and all the things that can go wrong with them, courtesy of an online microscopy primer. (man, since I figured out to how add links to text, I've been kinda over-doing it, haven't I?) I'm trying to read and understand that jibbah-jabbah so I can maybe improve upon the performance of the psycho-scope.
Still, it's so tempting to just get those big, powerful binoculars (which feature a mounting bracket and everything!) and just consider my little scope a project in progress. A little hobby. A learning experience on my road to greater knowledge. I've probably put in about $100 on the scope so far, with no real end in sight, quite honestly--given this whole chromatic aberration thing. I could just get the binocs, call it a birthday present (9/15--coming up fast), and then get my camera and be on the road to the cover of National Geographic!
And yet--what of the thrill of having built it myself? What of the hours of learning and fun I've had? What of the whole "it's not worth anything if it comes easy" work ethic?
What should I do?
I suppose I'll ask Kat tonight when she gets home from work.
Keep good thoughts in your heads for me, folks. This could turn ugly.
Hi. Well, this all looks good to me. I wonder what I'm here for. Outer space? Well, floating onward, closer and closer. Pop a bubble, boop, boop. Me.
Right on.
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