We have an amazing number of white-crowned sparrows (updated ID thanks to Mike McDowell--I had "swallow"--what was I thinking?) here today. Here are a pair who let me get about eight feet away.

Here are some other photos:

I don't know what kind of growth this is on an old stump in the yard. Here's another look at a more colorful specimen:

I saw a few ducks flying around over the marsh, their winter home.

Here's some evidence of a woodpecker on this new suet cake I'm trying:

Here's a photo of the art studio/crazy uncle house/office/cottage I've been working on:

It used to look like this:
This is a view from another angle, but I had to show you the hideous faux brick tar-paper-siding stuff that used to be on it. We stripped that off, and later I was told by a friend that this siding had asbestos in it--uh oh. I guess it's too late to worry about that now. . . . At any rate, we've been redoing the windows and everything, just trying to make it look better than the eyesore it once was, and more like a little cottage or studio.
By this point, I was really getting cold, so I came inside to find Niblet doing a little reading:
He really loves his subscription to Vanity Fair. But then I've always suspected that he's one of those liberal weirdos who can't get enough of that Hollywood gossip.
(bunny experts: that glossy paper isn't bad for him, is it? He really loves it!)

It used to look like this:

By this point, I was really getting cold, so I came inside to find Niblet doing a little reading:

(bunny experts: that glossy paper isn't bad for him, is it? He really loves it!)
Nice post. Looks like an interesting place to live.
The rabit is nice but I really like your cat.
Nice pics and I ate Mom's George cover as well! Binkies
Thanks! Clawsie's a charmer.
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