1. Natalie Portman?

2. Dame Judith Dench?

I loves me some Judy Dench. Wrenching dramatic role? No problem. Whimsical comedy? Easy peasy. Regal royal? P-shaw! Conniving closet case? Been there, done that. Still, perhaps a younger actor might be easier to deal with, someone not quite so set in her ways. I mean, what if she leaves toothpaste in the sink? Who's gonna tell her not to? Not me, sister.
3. I GOT IT: Hugo Weaving!

Now he'll finally have a place to call home, instead of sleeping on the streets or in fleabag motels in between auditions and open calls. No more waiting tables, Hugo! No more insecurity about making rent! You'll have a loving, stable home from which you can jet to NYC or LA for those auditions! Welcome to your new family!
I feel all warm inside, just knowing I've done a good deed and spread some love into a dark and desperate life. *sigh*
Woo Woo! Congratulations!
I love his name -- one of my favorites.
I happened to flip past Priscilla Queen of the Desert on the teevee shortly after seeing The Matrix. I knew Terence Stamp was in it, but was surprised when I heard Weaving's unique voice.
I actually used to periodically say (in the best Hugo Weaving Elrond voice I could muster) "You must take the RING, to Mount DOOM, in the land of MOR-DOR."
Thankfully (for my wife), I have pretty much stopped doing that.
Good choice, I loved him in V for Vendetta and the Matrix.
Yay! Another actor adopted! Hugo rocks.
Nice! Can he come visit me every other weekend? I wouldn't ask, but Tony doesn't have any friends...
Splotchy: I'm always amazed that Terry Stamp, Guy Pierce, and Hugo were in that movie. Talk about not worrying about typecasting. If we ever meet, I hope the first words out of your mouth will be "ARwen is DYING. She will not long survive the EVIL that is GROWing."
PJ: Thanks! So is Brian Thompson; loved him since I saw him in X-Files. What a jawline!
Thank you, Dr. M.M.
Flannery: Tony was soooo good in Stranger than Fiction. Of course, Hugo can come over and play! He loves board games.
I found your blog when looking for some comments about the Scotia Barrens. I like your enthusiasm for birds...keep it up. Looks like you are in with some locals from the State College Bird Club...atlasing with Ro Fuller...are you a SCBC member? I am good friends with Greg and Deb Grove and others from the SC area.
I saw you went to the Oil City bird festival and made the statement of...I can't wait to do another birding festival--a really big one! We'll all have to meet at one (centrally located!)
Shortly after that festival was was the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology meeeting which was in my hometown of Harrisburg this year. Next year it will be in Pittsburgh....dont let the name of the organization fool you...it is open to birders of ALL skill levels, you should think about joining and coming to next years meeting.
BTW--I just spent the weekend with 2 folks that were instumental in getting the Oil City Bird Festival off the ground--Kathi Goodblood and Jerry Stanley--maybe you met them at the festival? They were staying at my house to enjoy some birding on the Conejohela Flats.
Well, nice chatting with you. Maybe we could go birding in the SC area sometime? Fall migration is coming and the Scotia Barrens are a hot place!
If you would like respond to my email address....corvuscorax@comcast.net
Take care and Good birding,
Deuane Hoffman
Harrisburg, PA
I'm not an SCBC member because I can never make it to the meetings, but I do love going birding with people--we'll definitely have to get together during the fall migration! I think I did meet Kathi and Jerry at the Oil City festival.
My only concern about the Scotia Barrens is all the ticks....
What a good heart you have, Delia. Giving hope to a poor dejected actor.
I agree with Susan. But I don't know any of them. Actors? Actresses? Don't ask ME - I have no clue.
My mom and sisters and I used to watch all the old movies, and Mom knew all the names. It just seemed natural to retain that kind of trivia. You should see me play Trivial Pursuit!
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