It feels weird, knowing who reads this blog, to write about my plans for Cape May at the end of the month; after all, many of you will be taking your own adventure to West Virginia -- which I was supposed to do as well, until finances got in the way. So -- I'll write about the plans, but just know that my little birdy heart is still wanting to be in WV with the Flock at the same it wants to be in Cape May with Gretchen.
I feel a little torn in two.

That said, things are going well in preparation for the Cape May trip. We have our deposit down for a campsite at Beachcomber Camping Resort, 4 miles from Cape May. We're thinking that we shouldn't take Domino, because we probably wouldn't be able to bring her birding with us. Not that she isn't a great dog to bird with, because she is -- she stays right by Gretchen's side and is very quiet; she's a very mellow old girl. But I'm sure we probably couldn't take her on the boardwalk at CM Point, or to the Meadows, etc. So I'm kinda bummed, because I was looking forward to getting a picture of her on the beach--she would love that--but it's probably best that she stays home with friends.
So that's handled, and the campsite is handled, and we've outlined several birding trips we'll be going on to make sure we see as many birds as possible. We'll also ride the ferry to Lewes DE and spend some time on the shore there, as Laura said that's the best place to see shorebirds. It's gonna be truckloads of good birding, and I can't wait.
And by the way... remember how I said I wanted to meet someone who was actually interested in birds? Well, I did (update: and it's not Gretchen! She's my bff; this is another woman I'm referring to)--she's terrific! Things are kinda weird because I'm moving away in a few months, but in the meantime--we're just going to enjoy our time together. So if my posts get all gushy and happy, now you know why!
Well, dearest, WV will be a bit quieter without you. But we all know about being careful with the moolah.
And finding someone like Gretchen, who is a birder and who fills your heart is a precious thing, no matter how long you get to revel in it.
Gretchen's the lucky one if you ask me.
Love you, too!
oh gosh -- I just realized that it isn't clear -- Gretchen is my best friend; Anneliese is the lucky one (as am I) I'm referring to in that last graf!
Hahah....Well, I am a lucky one too...just not the one you get lucky with! (unless we're talking about lifers!)
The only birding spots I know of where dogs are welcome are Higbee's WMA and Villas WMA. I'm not sure about the state park. The Meadows is definitely out.
Crap, D. Anyone who knows you is lucky.
So there.
!!! : )
Hey! You should be HAPPY! :)
Enjoy your trip and birding time. I also wish I could join all those fun bloggers/birders, but I'll need to win the lottery at this point to be able to do so :S
Take care and ENJOY!
Delia, have a great time in Cape May. I just got to meet you a few months ago and now you're moving :(
We sure will miss you in West Virginnie but I am happy to hear about your new friend. Hope you build a rewarding relationship - she is the lucky one!
Isn't it wonderful to have someone who shares your interests in your life? Enjoy!
What a great attitude you have, Delia. Just enjoy the time you have together. Wise words for all of us. I'm sure you will have a great time in Laura's neck of the woods. It sounds like a wonderful place.
Delia--we all wish you happy and gushy all the time.
Susan--don't kid yourself: you guys will be just as loud without me! hee hee!
BFF!--we're both lucky.
John--thought so.
Susan again--*blush* ditto, my friend!
Mel--buy those lotto tickets, baby!
Beth--you're gonna have a blast! thanks for the good wishes.
NCMtnWoman--thanks! I guess there are benefits to being old as dirt.
I'm torn in two, too. I will miss you in WVa., but I'm also jealous of your trip to Cape May. Have tons of fun! We can share pics and stories.
Yeah, leave the dog at home. My dogs are good birders, but there are too many places where dogs are not welcomed, and her feelings would be hurt.
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