So today is the third blogiversary for this little bird bloggy, which started as a way to document my fledgling efforts (heh heh) at learning about birds. It seems like a million years ago now, as my life was dramatically different then: I was living in the Marsh House with Kat, working with a Peterson's guide published in the 1930s (which I got for a quarter at a book sale!), trying to build my own spotting scope, and trying to figure out what the heck a "meme" was. Ah, the memories!
Back then, my first lifelist had 44 species on it -- including a few mistakes -- calling a house finch a purple finch, etc. Silly me. I also counted the great horned owl my dad brought home -- the owl that chased me around the backyard. I don't count that one now, as he was captive.
I also named what I thought were the top ten most beautiful US birds -- it was, looking back at it now, kind of a silly list! Here it is:
1. Cardinal
2. Indigo bunting
3. Dark-eyed junco (incredibly cute)
4. Red-tailed hawk
5. Mallard (male--sorry, female)
6. Snowy egret
7. Barn owl (love that face)
8. Bluebird
9. Rose-breasted grosbeak
10. Ruby-throated hummingbird
I gotta say that my choices today would be quite different. Here they are, in no particular order (except for the Blackburnian--it's my favorite):
Blackburnian Warbler
Painted Bunting
Eastern Bluebird
Hooded Warbler
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Varied Thrush
Tree Swallow
Indigo Bunting
I know that's only eight birds -- but I wanted to just list the ones that came into my mind without looking at a list.
So -- three years into it, and I have over 200 (barely) birds on my lifelist. I have a decent spotting scope and my Leupold binocs that I bought at a flea market for $30 bucks (but which are worth quite a bit more, it turns out). I have a decent point-and-shoot digital camera, and I've taken some photos that I'm pretty proud of. I've made a lot of great friends, both online and in person. All in all, this whole birding thing has been one of the best things in my life, even when the rest of my life sucked.
Soon I'll be beginning to bird all over again -- a new place, a new field guide, and a new life. It's gonna take me at least another three years to document that process. I hope you'll stick around for it.
Thanks for the memories!
It's been a great three years, D. Can't wait to hear all about the Big Bad West and all it has to offer you!
I love that I can count YOU on my Life List.
Delia--I'll be sticking with you all the way to the west coast.
And HAPPY blogiversary. I have marked mine by the NUMBER written, not how many years--only because I can't always figure out the month & year I started.
Send us lots of tales from the trail, and birdie pics. And Nibbler updates, if there are any.
Three Years - Fantastic!
Happy Blogiversary, Delia. I hope the next three years are as birdy as the last three. Thanks for welcoming me into the Flock and I can't wait to read all about your California adventures.
Wahoo Delia! I'm so proud to include you on my blogger life list. I remember when you were building that spotting scope. I thought that was so cool.
Glad to know you D!
Well you are going to one of the top 10 birding spots in the US. The CBC last year at Point Reyes had 235 or more birds you you should be able to at least double your current list.
Well .. you sure aren't just a beginner any more!
Point Reyes ... wow ... quite a great example of West Coast on the Pacific.
And yes .. we need a Niblet update ...
Susan--yes it has, especially because of the Flock.
Donna--thank you so much--I'll definitely have to put up some Niblet news.
Mathman--hard to believe. Unlike my other blog, which has become a little tiresome, I still enjoy this one!
Beth--thanks for joining the Flock and coming out of the Lurker Closet!
Lynne--well, "disaster" was more the word I would use, but thanks!
Rick--I was checking out the Madrone Audubon Society page yesterday--it's gonna ROCK!
Rabbits' Guy--I'll be a beginner again out west! Always so much to learn. Thanks!
Happy Blog-o-versary! Of course, you are a professional bird photographer, if you got paid - just not full-time.
When you start putting up western birds, I'll be watching closely. Can I count Lifers I've seen on the Inter-tubes?
Hi Delia
This is a fun post. I'm still a pre-birder. I plan to take it up...uhm, I'm not sure when. But until that day, I will count on blogs like yours and perhaps three other favorites.
That's a great photo there.
Also, thanks for your thoughts on turning 45 or 50.
KatDoc--just remember what you told me: it's YOUR lifelist, so you count what you want... hee hee!
Congrats on your three year Blogiversary..Wow..
And now you are going to California?
What part?
Good birds out west..and depending where you are in CA..you will be close to some amazing places!
I look forward to reading of your travels..sibleys guide to western birds is great for your next guide.
Happy Blogiversary!
And congratulations on the photo credit. Great photo too, btw. I've never even heard of a Screaming Piha. (I must investigate!)
My first field guide was a Peterson's from 1961. Five bucks at a used book store.
Keep up the good blog work. I can't wait to read about your western adventures.
Many happy bloggy returns, dg.
Wow. I just happened across this blog. You are moving to my neighborhood! Sort of. The Bay Area. Good luck with your move. This part of the world is LOVELY! And there are tons of birding possibilities.
Congratulations on your milestone! I've learned a lot from reading your blog, you know. And every time I see a hawk (which is fairly often), I think of you.
Congratulations on your third blogiversary and for getting paid for one of your photos.-I would consider that an honor-even if it is only 20 bucks.
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