Well, I haven't had much time for birding lately, as I've been packing and seeing friends and stuff in preparation for my move west. This morning, I managed to get some good pics, however, and thought I'd share them with you. They're not birds, but they're still kinda interesting.
We spent this weekend moving all my boxes and what little furniture I have left over to Matty's so the movers can pick everything up on Wednesday. I will clean my apt tonight and tomorrow night, and then I have dinners and stuff scheduled with all my friends. Then we leave as early as we can manage on Saturday.
It's getting pretty crazy now, having to change phone numbers, cut off electric, etc. I hate those kinds of details, but someone has to do it.
I've been applying for as many jobs as I can find, so I'm hoping I'll get lucky. Keep your fingers crossed.
I will try to blog from the road, especially if we see some cool stuff -- and we'll arrive in California on Aug 5. Until then, probably pretty light blogging and commenting.
Bon Voya-gee and see ya real soon!
As Bugs Bunny would say.
I tried to think of a suitable farewell to PA statement.
This one I found seems as good as any:
“May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far.
Stop when you get to the ocean.
Hola Delia,
GOOD LUCK!! I'm sure you'll find a great job and lots of happiness too.
Take care, and good luck with the rest of the packing, cleaning and the rest of the arrangements.
Enjoy the time with your friends!
Safe travels Delia!!
Have a safe and wonderful trip, Delia. Post soon. Can't wait to read about your travels.
Relaxed and stress-free travels to you and Niblet!
I have a blog-friend who also made the cross-country trip with bunnies. She's about to do IronMan, so I don't know how busy she may be right now, but if you need any real-life "traveling with bunnies" tips, drop by Rachel's site.
Good luck, and may your dream job be waiting for you!
I am sending you and Nib so much love for the road and beyond. And then you get there and you get to meet Matty Boy?
Holy crap, it is like winning a lottery. Let's hope that job part gets figured out too.
Oh I can't believe we never had our meet up but now I will have to come west to find you.
And I will!!!
Email me! Let me know what part of Ohio you will be crossing and I will try to intersect! July got away from me. Sorry I couldn't get over to see you.
I'm willing to drive to northern Ohio to give mucho hugs and kisses to my Delia.
Because, really...when will we see each other again? Every ten years or something foul like that?
Let me know!
Safe Trip ... headed for el dorado! Life and all its needs grows on trees in California!
All of you: thanks very much for the wishes of luck and jobs and goodness!
I figured out the moth! It's a Haploa clymene. http://bugguide.net/node/view/208410
Good luck with your move! I knew I had seen photos of that moth species before, but I couldn't remember the name. I'm glad you found it.
Good luck on the packing..Not a fun job! glad niblets still hanging around!
Have a great trip!
John--isn't he striking?
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