We've been getting huge flocks of American crows here for the last couple of winters; these crows were photographed right across the street from my work. I wish I'd captured the flock of probably 200+ swarming in the air, along with a Red-tailed who swooped through the flock and disappeared; I wasn't fast enough with the camera. Still, I got some good pictures despite the overcast sky. I like that bird on the right in the second photo; it looks like he's strutting.
Another day, I saw this bird, which I'm fairly sure is a Common Raven. I was flying down the highway when I passed him and he looked so huge I was sure it was a raven and not a crow:

I also saw another Rough-legged Hawk:

I've been seeing a few hawks in this area, as well as a metric ton of robins.
I haven't seen as many robins this winter as in past ones, perhaps because it's so much colder this year. But that's just a guess.
Here's the secret. If it says "Goood EveNing" it's a Crow. A Raven will quoth - "Never more".
(heee heee - North woods cabin fever humor)
Rabbits' Guy--lol!
I vote Raven.
Earl--cool! Lifer photograph #205!
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