AB is a rare bird indeed, able to bird AND knit at the same time:
We birded at Warbler Woods with my niece Lilia and sister Mary. We didn't see anything too exciting, but I got some decent photos:
Despite seeing several Spotted Towhees, this was the best photo I got (and I use "best" reluctantly):
This area is really amazing in terms of variety of habitats, though the drought has really taken a lot of the water out of the picture. I'm planning to go back there and spend more time (we only had time to see half of the area) in February with Baby G. I've been following the Texas listserv alerts from eBird, and they're seeing lots more stuff there than we saw.
When we first arrived, we saw a minivan with a woolly cap over its driver's side rear-view mirror; I figured someone had lost it in the parking lot and it was just hung there off the ground.
I was wrong:

Look at this crazy caterpillar:
And, because I'm always on the lookout for sport-related bird eggs, I was able to spot this little mystery egg:
We watched a little Hermit Thrush pick berries from a juniper; I missed the shot where he got a berry in his mouth and flew away, though:
And finally, a photo of a Carolina Chickadee stuffing his face!
Carolina birds go to Texas for the winter huh? Smart!
Nice photos.
Rabbits' Guy--that's what I did one winter after my ill-fated move to California; never enjoyed the winter so much!
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