Let's just do a photo blowout to wrap it all up, shall we? I'll narrate where needed, though we were birding so fast and furious by this point that it's all kind-of a blur. We had decided that we were just going to hit places where recent sightings of potential lifers had been made; we ended up not even going to Bentsen, Laguna Atascosa, and Santa Ana for this reason. Still, we got some great birds! My jumbled impressions follow.
RGV BIRDING rest of Wednesday and Thursday

It was pretty fierce, and the little squeaky vocalizations we heard stopped us from giving up on waiting for these guys to show. It was the late afternoon of a very hot day, and we were exhausted; someone told us right where to go in the "tropical zone" of the park (behind the RV park area), and we waited for about 25 minutes with nothing. Suddenly, I heard that unmistakeable squeaky sound that hummers make when they're pissed off!
Gretchen was thrilled when we saw a Vermillion Flycatcher, lifer for her. She still says that's her favorite bird of the trip.
Moving on...
We went to Quinta Mazatlan, where we did NOT see a Tropical Parula but did see this Lesser Goldfinch:

We also tried for the Tropical Parula at Frontera Audubon. No dice, but we did see this:

We also drove to a big farm field near the Anzalduas International Bridge, where we saw a HUGE (literally at least 3000 birds) flock of blackbirds and such:

A better photo of a Bronzed Cowbird, seen at a gas station:

After the border bridge, we headed into McAllen to check out the 10th and Dove St parakeet roost, looking for Green Parakeets. We didn't get any roosting but we did get two separate flyovers of small flocks of Green Parakeets! No photos either, dangit. Still.
After all this birding, we headed farther up the Valley toward Rio Grande City, Roma, and points beyond. We stayed at a hotel near RG City where you got coupons at the front desk for FREE BEER. Sometimes, I really miss Texas!
On Friday morning, we made it up to Salineño to see the one and only Brown Jay and more at the DeWinds' backyard feeder station. We relied on the kindness of Richard and Vicky from Bucks County, who gave us easy-to-follow directions into the wilderness.
The Brown Jay and all the orioles did not disappoint:

A lady cardinal tells a lady Pyrrhuloxia that she's a little pale:

Take a break - we're swamped. Great variety and pix ... how about a picture of a fire ant? They seem so prevalent!
I'm so jealous! What great pics and awesome birding! Someday I'll get out of my backyard.
I'd Rather Be Birding
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