Update on the monarch (?) cocooning situation: The next day, a beautiful green chrysalis appeared where the caterpillar had been the day before. I will update periodically. Here is the Day 2 photo, where the caterpillar went from wiggling-and-hanging-upside-down to chrysalis:

Sorry about the photo quality--great focus on Kat's foot, but not so great on the chrysalis. What do you expect from a camera phone? Anyway, I decided to leave her in the coffee can ashtray, complete with old cig butts, however, for fear that I would damage her fragile attachment to the can, on the recommendation of commenter and Niblet-lover LauraHinnJ, who also commented that it was rather an odd choice of lodging for a chrysalis; I must agree, but I guess there's just no accounting for what a caterpiller will do in a pinch. Perhaps there was no room at the inn?
Per her request, pics are forthcoming of the plant on which the powder-donut-looking caterpillars were found.
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