Of course this spooked the birds, who began to move toward cover. I should've had Deb photograph them from her driver's side window, which would've given us great shots. Instead, I got these terrible shots of some scrambling turkeys, fleeing from certain death at my hands:

Here you go--this one's MUCH better:

Yeah, that's my fault. For all I know, he ran back there and had a little turkey heart attack.
All my reading about birds, birding, "stalking" them slowly, trying not to frighten them--it was completely lost on me at that moment. I got out of the car, walked around to the back, and then tried to get some photos as they (surprise!) ran away. Oy vey.
Perhaps it was because I was really hungry for that cheese sub (I mean hoagie). Perhaps I was just too excited at the thought of seeing turkeys in the wild. Perhaps I'm just a beginning birder with very little experience.
Perhaps it was all of that combined.
But the sub (I mean hoagie) was really good.
We all do it. Turkeys spook super easy, they are as bad as reheaded woodpeckers.
Anyone who tries to take bird pics has a bunch of these.
Did you really expect anything different this closde to your
Thanksgiving? gobble?
No kidding, my word verification is
gwtrky, lol
Funny story - we all chase the birds away trying to get closer for pics - maybe you were just too hungry!
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