Mr Cardinal was looking sharp:
As was Mr House Finch, with some American goldfinch pals:
Mr. WB Nuthatch made a rare stop at the seed feeder in between his suet-pecking, along with some more dusky-suited American goldfinches:
Then it happened: the Carolina wren whose "teakettle-teakettle" calls I hear every morning finally made an appearance!
I've been trying to get a picture (or even a sighting) of this guy all season! Finally he saw fit to pose for me. He even gave me a shot of his 'tocks:
To go with this shot of RT Hawk 'tocks I got last week while birding with Em:
'Tocks all around!

Nice pics!
I am a little dense. I had to think a while before I realized what 'tocks were.
Awesome photos! We have those exact same species visit our feeders. It's such a kick! I never get tired of seeing them.
Excellent tockage, D!
That is the cutest ending evah.
It cries out for Lolz!
Wow, you hit the jack pot.
Just so you know, your robins are down here now. I saw and heard them this morning. They said to tell you they are loving the weather here. In the mid 80's today and sunny.
Splotchy-hee hee!
Dcup-me neither; they're all beautiful. You should do Project Feederwatch!
Thanks, Susan! That RT 'tocks was just me hitting the button too late; would've been a great photo if I'd been a little faster!
Fran-we'll have to come up with a good lolz caption.
PoP-well, keep 'em warm. Meanwhile, it's snowing again here....
Great shots! I'd put up some feeders but the dang squirrels would eat all the food.
Nice photos-Tea-kettle Tea-kettle call.-That must be the one that I always remembered as cheesburger cheesburger.Cute rabbit!
LOVE TOCKS! Wrens like to show tocks and that one was especially for YOU!
Glad you didn't get snowed way under this time.
Dr M--squirrels are devilish little creatures; we don't have them out at the marsh house (luckily) but we do have some chipmunks. I think the squirrels have so much food that's there naturally that they don't need my feeders. They'll ruin a wooden feeder (gnawing it away) in a day or two!
Larry--cheeseburger cheeseburger--that's a good one too!
Mary--glad you liked it.
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