Susan Gets Native mentioned my crazy attempt at taking a photo of myself --I think this is the photo she posted on her blog of this moment: 

Laura was just trying to make sure I got the lighthouse back there in the frame!
So I want to post the results. Most true artists try to convey something deep and meaningful, or perhaps the sad meaninglessness of life, in their self-portraits:

Me? Well, other than conveying the fact that I'm really getting way too many chins, I think the only meaning one can glean from this photo is the fact that I'm a Cowboys fan:

So--in the spirit of spreading the embarrassment around, I'll include a incriminating photo of our Susan, with Birdchick in the background:

I'll drink to that!
That was such a fun weekend. Thanks for bringing it to mind!
Jeez, D...that angle sucked. *Note to self....don't let someone shorter than you take a picture of you!
I think I am still tasting that Amaretto Sour.
Oh, Amy--I've got a great photo of you I could publish too! I think you were in the middle of saying something along the lines of, "BLECH, DOMESTIC BEER!" or something, because you look hilarious! But I'll keep the photo in my secret files... for now... heh heh heh
Oh Susan, you hottie you. Come off it. And I'll have one of those Amaretto Sours as well.
Your self portrait is so cute! Mine always looks hideous...
What a great time you all had. Good memories - great photos.
Hmm, nice picture although the cap should have a big G on it! See you in the playoffs.
NEVAH!!! Die, Packers, Die!
You have the best smile evah!
Delia I have a wonderful pic of you that I'll send!
And Susan's right; the angle on that is just all wrong - your face is all out of proportion!
Show the pic of Amy! Do it!!!!!
So Kathy Bates attended your briding weekend? Cool!
Those pictures are great. Happy little faces and a Cowboys cap can't be all bad.
Hee hee--more pics today, then!
A very cheerful looking photo!I have a feeling that the Cowboys are going to be in the Superbowl along with the Patriots.
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