AB and I went to Bald Eagle State Park yesterday, and Baby G and her gal and I went this morning--all in pursuit of rumored potential lifers Eared Grebe and White-winged Scoter. We saw neither, but we had good times nonetheless.
I didn't get many pics on Saturday with AB; there wasn't much to see. I did continue my annoying record of getting the clearest shot of a target bird right when its head is behind a branch:

Grrrr. I have no good pics of BCChickadees, and I pished these guys to within like ten feet of us (to AB's delight), and all my other pics were blurry except for this one. Sigh.
To illustrate my agony, here are some reminders of other such great moments from the past:

Not that big a deal, but this would've been a nice pic of an American Goldfinch. This next one was a little more upsetting:

My lifer Prairie Warbler, just over the fence at the Marsh House years ago, hiding his face behind a branch. Oy vey. Just after I snapped this, he flew. No second chances in bird photography.
Anyway, this morning Gretchen and her gal and I arrived very early at the lake--and here's what we saw:

And it was COLD! There was frost all over everything, including this little cobweb:

We saw some American Coots and a Pied-billed Grebe at one stop (East Launch), and then we moved to the Winter Launch and saw these:

SNOW BUNTINGS! Aren't they gorgeous? Baby G spooked them as she walked along the water's edge and we followed them to the boat launch and watched as they charmed us with their cute faces and twittering calls. Lifer 284! They were awesome. I'm sure they look beautiful in their breeding whites, but this plumage is lovely too.
So I crawl up the ladder to 300, a few birds at a time, and I'm more in love with birds than ever.
I love it! Every single time they stick their heads behind a brush. Same thing happens to me all the time. Great shots anyway.
I was searching for a scoter today too! No luck, but I saw some Common Mergansers. Not a lifer but fun to look at nonetheless.
I see an American coot every time I look in the mirror. :o)
You can have a great Powerpoint for your lectures, lessons, book, and presentations on bird id's.
NCMtnWoman--so annoying!
Elizabeth--any mergansers would've been lifers for Gretchen, but we didn't see any. Hmph.
Dr. Monkey--hee hee hee!
Rabbits' Guy--"The Frustrations of Bird Photography."
NCMtnWoman--so annoying!
Elizabeth--any mergansers would've been lifers for Gretchen, but we didn't see any. Hmph.
Dr. Monkey--hee hee hee!
Rabbits' Guy--"The Frustrations of Bird Photography."
Great post... I had to laugh at the birds with their heads behind branches.. And the Snow Buntings are beautiful birds... Thanks for sharing..
Hey!! No branch in that last picture...what happened?
Awww! Good job on the buntings! (I'm going to be a good friend and NOT mention the other bird photos)
And don't tell AB, but she's sounding more and more like...a...birder.
Jen--Thanks for stopping by!
Carol--I know--not even a rock.
Susan--she's still too spoiled by our Cape May experience, though--she's all "It's kinda boring when there's only a few birds...."
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