She's like that sometimes; you know, forgetful. Like when she forgets that she needs to wake up at about 4 a.m. every morning and put some food in my bowl. She claims that feeding time is really 7 a.m., but come on, people. I gotta have food.
So I always remind her of this fact by walking up beside her on the bed and staring at her until she wakes up. Sometimes, though, I guess she's really sleeping hard or something, so then I make this weird smacking/breathing noise with my mouth. Drives her and Mommy up the freakin' wall!
If that doesn't work, I bite her, ever so gently, on her hands.
If that doesn't work, I go for the hair.
She calls me evil, but I don't care. You and I both know what's important: getting the food in the bowl.
The rest is just about the other kitties, including that weird one with no ears.
Delia--please tell Clawsie that I am highly amused at the reported antics. Bites you on the hand? My oh my.
I am such a sucker for all the critter stories. Love to read about them.
It should be noted that BooBoo kitty, who has been avoiding me for some feline odd reason, just jumped up and is rubbing his face against the monitor.
We have a cat crush situation I believe.
The ears! Who got the ears????
That owner of yours is a real slacker.
KGMom--yes, she's a wicked little creature!
Fran--how exciting! Yet another reason for us to meet!
Rabbits' Guy--his mother started to eat her young, including his ears, and he was saved by a rabbit rescue organization. Then he came to us.
Susan--believe me, she knows it.
We've got a cat-had them most of my life.-They are the funniest animals but I don't appreciate it when they wake you up.We have a cat that will resort to tipping things over to get you out of bed when she's hungry.
Dear Clawsie,
I have to write this fast as I don't want my guardian to catch me on her computer. She doesn't know I can use it.
But, yes, I absolutely agree that IT IS ALL ABOUT FOOD. Why they don't see that is beyond me and my tank mates.
So keep your posts coming. More of us need to speak up.
Yours in appetite,
Ms. Clown Loach on behalf of myself and my fellow fish, and all other critters who yearn for replenished bowls.
The only time my cats would bite me was when I'd scratch their bellies or stop petting them before THEY wanted me to stop. I like Clawsie. She knows who rules :o)
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