This weekend, I didn't see any life birds, but I did see two lifers of the reptilian/amphibian kind:
First, this snake was lying on our front walk (and scared the beejeesus out me). I thought he was sunning himself, but it turned out he was dead:
I'm guessing he was run over and was just able to make it down our steps from street-level before he gave up the ghost (do snakes have ghosts to give up?). Poor little guy. I looked him up online, as I'd never seen a snake like this before; he's an Eastern Milk Snake. Life herp!
Gretchen and I went for a very long walk yesterday and made a stop at the marsh, where I saw my first-ever snapping turtle:
His shell is about ten inches long--huge! He didn't poke his head up or anything, which was too bad--I kinda wanted to see him SNAP! (Not my fingers, though--a stick or something!)
Gretchen got a few lifers herself, including cedar waxwing, yellow warbler (which are now EVERYWHERE around the area), and muskrat.
Finally, I also found this feather in the water. Could this be a bittern feather, maybe? Can anyone help me out?

Milk snake, cool. I had one in my basement late last summer. It surprised me and I nearly wet myself.
poor milk snake. I like reptiles..ever since my son was small and had a thing for them.
Love the snake. I've never seen a milksnake either.
Also love snapping turtles as long as they are a good distance from small body parts that can be nipped off easily.
If you see the snapper again, keep us posted.
Milk Snake would be a lifer for me. I always get excited to see a snake. I could watch them for hours but somehow, they disappear before my eyes...
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