My birding friend from work, Hillel, just told me that the photo I'd labelled as yellow warbler was actually more likely a prairie warbler:

(Stupid branch! -ed.) I hardly even looked at the bird when I saw it, to be honest -- I just glanced at the yellow with the streaks and thought, "yellow warbler." But the yellow warbler's streaks are more russet, not black, and Hillel also says there's a "greenish color of the upper wing and shoulder" on what can be seen of my photographed bird that make it a prairie warbler -- which just happens to be a lifebird for me! Yippee!
Boy--was I ever mistaken on the yellow warbler ID. Here's a pic from
another site:

My gosh, he's totally different! What a dummy I am! This is so awesome, though -- that makes my BIGBY list 54 birds, and my total lifelist inches up to 172! Getting closer to 200; that will be a real milestone for me. My 2008 yearlist is now somewhere around 80 (I need to update, I think). What a happy mistake!
OH WAIT--I can count this prairie warbler, right? Because I mean, I knew it was a warbler, and I got a photo --- can I count him? Help!
Not sure if my original comment was recorded...
In short, I think that you can count it, for the same reason that you can count a bird that you identified based on a sketch or written description that you made. As long as you saw it clearly and took the photograph yourself, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to revise your identification later. But it depends on how strict you want your personal lists to be.
Absolutely you may count it. No question.
Of course, my authority is limited.
I give you permission.
SWEET! I will count it -- I mean, I did the take the pic myself and all. I've done that before, too--with ducks and stuff that I wasn't sure about on ID. I take a pic and check the field guides later at home. Besides, Splotch's word is LAW.
Hell, yeah, count it!
(missing you here in beautiful Northern Ohio!)
It is the famous Secret Agent Bird .. hiding and seeing all. Count it.
Congrats on the lifer! ;)
Susan--I wish I were in Ohio with you!
Rabbits' Guy--Bird. James Bird.
I really liked this post, except for one sentence: "What a dummy I am." No, not allowed. Mistakes are the best path to learning. (I'm a former high school teacher).
So you have taught me yet another bird. Thanks. Also, I enjoyed your reflections on my canoe post.
Wonderful! Delia, I've only seen and identified two warblers. Great work, girl!
Don't be so hard on yourself after all you're doing this for enjoyment not to write a field guide.I've made numerous mistakes over the past few years. That's part of the learning process.I know that it is embarassing but in the long run it's no big deal.
Crayons--you're right. It's just birding, not life-saving surgery.
Mary--Just wait until you make it to a migration-time birding festival--it'll be warbler-ama!
Larry--too true. Thanks!
Yikes. If I'm limited to counting birds that I can identify before consulting scads of field guides and teh internets, I'd have maybe an American Robin and a Mourning Dove.
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