Looking down Allegheny Street from the Brockerhoff House:

The Bellefonte Courthouse (Bellefonte is the county seat):

A really cool architectural feature at the corner of High St and Spring:

The corner of Allegheny and High Street, with another cool little spire thingy:

I'm doubtful that this stone was laid in 1710, but who knows?

It was laid into a stone staircase for this building:

And here's the info on the building; how (or more importantly, WHY) did a women's temperance organization erect a building?

Looking back at the corner of Allegheny and High:

I went into a neat old antique mall that is housed in a former theatre called The Plaza. There were movie posters everywhere--for Doctor Zhivago, Hello Dolly, West Side Story, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. You've all seen those things, so I focused my camera on some other highlights:
The animal kingdom was well represented...

I love that cow

a must-have

Niblet's biography?
...as were the seedier members of our society:

Good lord.

I'm sure Creepy "Uncle" Arthur tells lots of stories to the kiddies while they sit on his lap.

This woman is snorting the aroma right. out. of. the. cup.
There were even some gifts for a certain blogger who's always wanted one of these:

A history book that McFossil is probably in, as he invented the Blackberry and all:

And a photo of a guy who's just had it:

Here's where I'll be on Friday night:

Sadly, this moron will not be there:

I wanted to pull a Matty and spit on the car, but I refrained. (And yes, that's Dr. Matty McMatterson, recent PhD in Social Psych, who spits on cars with offensive bumper stickers on them. What can I tell you? We don't call him the Gay Tasmanian Devil for nothing.)
Delia--cool looking little place. The Brockerhoff House so looks like the Corner Room in State College. I love all that old architecture.
Hmmm--some antiques there. And, BTW, I HAD an Uncle Arthur, except he wasn't creepy, just strict.
What a charming-looking town. That area of PA is beautiful--my youngest and I drove through there on a quick road trip a few weeks ago and really enjoyed ourselves.
Now, for the growing lattice of coincidence moment:
That guy on the box for the infrared heat "massager"? I'm pretty sure I know that guy. I think it's Bob Wolter, a former model based in Chicago who did a LOT of work in the late 70's to mid 80's. When I was a photographer we did a lot of work for Sears, and used him about every other week. He was one of the best recognized male models at the time.
Heh. Small world.
Cute town. I'd love to browse in those antique stores with you one day.
Nice town.
I love that the car with the Palin sticker has a "Conserve Natural Resources" license plate. A clueless victim of American pseudo democracy. Watch out little otter Palin will blow your head off.
Odd bit of coincidence, bubs.
What a lovely town! As much as I love cities, I really dig living in a small town and yours is very pretty.
Okay - following along Bubs. I don't recognize the model (really, I don', but we do have that set of old books that the McFossil book belongs to. Cupcake looks through them at night when she goes to bed.
And sometimes I buy random vintage Little Golden Books just because.
I love your charming little town. Can't imagine why the WCTU needed a building. I thought they spent all their time marching and busting up beer barrels.
Delia, I like your new locale! Thanks for taking us on a tour. It's a very charming town. I hope that railroad is not a busy one.
I really like the way you took photos of every little thing that interests you :o) Very cool.
Boy that Vibe has many covered bases for sure!!!
Conservatives driving, frustrated liberals riding shotgun, and tree-huggers in the middle.
Great little town!
*This would have been typed earlier, but I had to clean up the spitted-Coke from my screen and the puddle of urine on my chair*
You Crack Me The F*** Up.
"And a photo of a guy who's just had it"
And the woman freebasing her coffee....oh man. I need a minute.
A cute town for a cute chick. It's going to be flippin' fantastic when the leaves turn! Yeeeee!
I haven't been near a building older than, say, one hundred and twenty years in so long. Very nice tour.
Awwww... You are so sweet!
I love your town. PUMA's - I don't love them so much.
And now I know where my "infra-red thangamabob" has gone. Who took that and sold it to the shop???
KGMom--the Brockerhoff is much taller than the Hotel State College building in which the Corner Room (and the Allen St Grill, one of my favorite places to eat) are housed.
Bubs--OH MY GOD. That's pretty funny about the model. Amazing.
Dr. Monkey--I thought of you soooo many times in there. But they didn't have a lot of old magazines or anything, just a small collection. Still--I wish you'd have been there!
Elizabird--No kidding. Swim, little otter! Get outta here!
DCup--you should've been there with me and Monkey!
NCMtnWoman--exactly! I wonder if Carrie A. Nation ever came to town.
Mary--no, the railroad pretty much doesn't run there anymore. And I was pulling a Mary, only taking photos inside not outside!
Rabbits' Guy--I'd be hitting the Ejector Seat button!
Susan--that photo caught my eye from all the way across the room; that poor guy looks like he's just rolling his eyes up toward heaven, saying, "Jesus, make it stop." hee hee hee!
Earl--guess not, out on the West Coast where all is shiny and new!
Fran--glad you liked the radios. I should've spit on that car!
My husband says the confusing bumper stickers are a big GOP plot. The person driving is a well-known Republican who would never dream of voting for Hillary. By putting the bumper sticker on her car, she gives the impression that all the women who supported Clinton will now switch parties.
If I remember correctly the 1710 has nothing to do with the age of the stone, I'm not sure it was a date.
To understand why the WCTU would build a building you would have to understand the hard-drinking and carousing that went on in Bellefonte about the time the Amish and Mennonites left it in the hands of Catholic miners. You can get a small taste of it in the book "Rosanna of the Amish." I think it was partly an abused women's rescue dormitory too.
Some day I will have to email you the open secret about the Hofbrau next to St. John's School.
I only went to two movies at the Plaza before it closed and one was our class's graduation all-night party where they played "The Sterile Cuckoo" for the love of decency what were they thinking.
I think town is more open to non-natives but Bellefonte is a tough town to break into socially. And the Brockerhoff is taller than the Corner Room at the State College Hotel because Bellefonte was where money changed hands, big money. Until the college was established through the land grant system nobody went there and they didn't come with money when they did.
The photot of the lady inhaling coffee just really strikes me funny.
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