WHAT? you ask. We voted! We elected someone else! Judy freakin' Garland didn't even get mentioned, not even once! She didn't make the cut! This is ridiculous! you say, your little fists all balled up at indignity and unfairness of it all.
But I tell you, my little fledglings, my eyes have been opened. I--your fearless and supreme bird leader!--have seen, I--the greatness of me--have heard, and I--the leader of the world!--have decided!
Judy Garland, you little Frances Gumm you -- you are the best singer of all time!Judy singing The Man That Got Away
Judy singing Smile (if you don't cry during this one, you have no soul!)
and of course: Judy singing Over the Rainbow
(Sorry, I can't embed the yootoobes. Such technology is beyond the firewalls your fearless bird leader lives behind while at work.)
Remember, little songbirds: Judy Garland. She's the best. Period.
P.S.--this post composed after reading George Orwell's 1984. Perhaps that had something to do with it...
I am a HUGE Judy fan... Love her.
Boooooo hiisssssss boooooo.
You call this a democracy?
I think not.
Oh well, it is your blog--you reign supreme.
I'd definitely put her near the top.
Judy who?
Fran--glad you approve!
KGMom--democracy is for wishy-washy-wimpy liberals! This is a dictatorship! :)
Laura--you wishy-washy-wimpy liberal! It's Judy or nothing!
That is absolutely the best thing about having a blog. You are totally in control of something and are the grand dictator of whatever your decide.
You want Judy? Then Judy it is!
Can't pass this up...You pulled a Barack Obama on us....:-).
NCMtnWoman--you will have a comfortable job in the new dictatorship!
Nope. Didn't see that one coming. I've never noticed her singing much to tell you the truth. I'm sure I've heard it. It's just never struck a chord with me. But since she is now the offical songbird of b2b, I guess I'll have to make an effort.
Wow! Great pics of that eagle. I never saw a Bald Eagle up there and I grew up in that area, even went to Bald Eagle Area High School. lol!! Thanks for sharing!
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