"Whatchoo talkin' about, Willis?"

With one lifer under our belts, we pressed on. We saw another little flock of them later, along with several meadowlarks (Western? they were standing along the side of the highway, as Westerns are described doing, but who knows--we were going pretty fast), TONS of TUVUs and BLVUs, American Kestrels, and Crested Caracaras, a couple of Red-tailed and Sharp-shinned Hawks, and one Harris' Hawk and one Greater Roadrunner. A nice, nice trip down. There was a flock of swallows flying around one of the RTHAs but I couldn't ID them -- possibly Cliff?
Anyway, we checked into the hotel and ate at Fat Daddy's (you HAVE to eat there if you come down here -- BBQ, Chicken-fried Steak, etc. DELISH! Then we went for a quick look at the visitor center pond at Estero Llano Grande State Park.
We had quite an eyeful, including this cute little lifer:

Look at these beauties:

We also got some Fulvous and Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, though they were obscured by cattails:

Over at the hummingbird feeders, I got a much better photograph of the Buff-bellied Hummingbird:

There were so many Green- and Blue-winged Teals, Ring-necked Ducks, and Northern Shovelers that I couldn't count them all. Here's a nice group photo:

Someone mentioned to me that there was a hybrid Cinnamon x Blue-winged Teal to be seen, and maybe this guy to the right is him:

Anyway, it was late and we figured we'd better rest up for tomorrow. Just need to enter my day's numbers in eBird and I'll be out like a light.
Wow, Pyrrhuloxia! So exciting!
Great stuff.
Wow, great start indeed.
And the ibis shot is amazing!
OH...coool! Have fun..I know you will...we birded there for the first time last winter and spring migration..we had a awesome time!
Happy Birding!
Wow-great new birds you are seeing!I've never traveled to a new bird zone except for seeing some Boreal species.Must be fun.
Elizabeth--I know -- they're so cool!
Dr Monkey--thanks!
Wren--exhausting but a lot of good birds. And thanks!
dAwN--Big fun!
Larry--it's so great to come down here, see my parents, and be in a whole new birding environment.
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