Here are the lifers from Texas:
White-tipped Dove
White-tailed Hawk (photo by Mary)
Eurasian Collared Dove
Clay-colored Thrush
Black-vented Oriole
Wilson's Snipe
Green Kingfisher
UPDATE--that other photo was a Willet, but here is one that I'm 99.9% sure is the Short-billed Dowitcher--the one in the middle:
Short-billed Dowitcher

UPDATE--that other photo was a Willet, but here is one that I'm 99.9% sure is the Short-billed Dowitcher--the one in the middle:

Short-billed Dowitcher
How's that one feel? I should've known the other one was a Willet by the thickness of its bill; I usually look for that weird nostril but didn't see it on that photo, and was just anxious to get a better picture than this lame one. Assuming this was a SBDO, which a few other people on the boardwalk agreed with me that it was, this was Lifer #300, which inspired a little photo:

I didn't get a snapshot of the Clapper Rail, sad to say. I did get some mystery bird photos, though -- you've seen some terns and gulls, but here's a warbler:

I also took this photo of what I think is a Louisiana Waterthrush:

UPDATE even more! More mystery birds, with my tentative IDs now that I've finally unpacked my copy of The Shorebird Guide -- an AWESOME book with a capital AWE -- to go along with my Sibley and my Crossley Guide (more AWE):
Get a load of this little guy:

Tune in next time for more mystery birds as well as the thrilling yet heart-breaking tale of The Hunt for the Aplomado Falcon.
I'm pretty sure that dowitcher is a Willet. It's not so much a matter of plumage as proportions.
I'm not sure about the warbler, but what I see looks consistent with Orange-crowned. The one thing that bothers me is the apparent blackish coloration around the face, but that could just be a result of molt or feathers being disheveled.
The last bird looks good for Louisiana Waterthrush.
John--dangit, well, I did the ID on that one and it was the better photo, but I have another terrible photo of what others helped me ID as a SBDO, so I'll post that one. Thanks! went to TX? I'm so behind.
Great lifer list there, D.
Susan--I didn't post about it on Facebook, so maybe you didn't know? (hee hee hee)
Yeah, the new photo looks more like a Short-billed Dowitcher.
The mystery sparrow looks like a Savannah Sparrow.
John--Savannah???? That's what Hap in New Hope said too. Hmph. I never get that one right. But this is the first time I've seen one with the yellow; I read in Crossley's that it's a great distinguishing mark IF it happens to show. Is it a matter of maturity or molt or what?
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