Of course, it won't much matter if Joan Baez' fans keep it up. She is completely cremating the competition (ick) with over 70 votes. Her closest competitor, the great Ella Fitzgerald, has a measley 15. And my personal favorite of the four, Barbra Streisand, limps in with only 9!
So--um, I wonder how I change this poll widget thing... Oh man, I can't edit it! Okay -- I'm going to have to declare a mistrial or mispoll or whatever. Otherwise, Celine stays--and that's not what The People want! I'll delete this poll and put up a new one.
All you Baez fans--I'm sure you'll come to her rescue again and vote. As for fans of Barbra, Eva, and Ella--better get clickin'!
and already Joan's in the lead! Can't keep that woman down!
It's a good thing you are not in charge of our Presidential elections. For goodness sake, we might have had canceled votes, electronic machines not working, changed voting places at the last minute, altered ballots after some of the Nation had voted and the United States Supreme Court might have had to decide who won. Oh, wait! We DID have all those, didn't we?
At least no one can accuse you of any problems with hanging chads. Perhaps you SHOULD be in charge of the elections, after all.
Delia--I am chuckling at your "cremating" the competition. Umm---as in "creaming"?
I love Eva Cassidy!
I must vote for Joan! But the lovely Ella would definitely be my top pick had you not included Joan in the polling. :)
NCMtnWoman--I would've kicked Bush off the ballot and had a re-vote.
KGMom--yup, only WORSE than creaming. CremAting.
Fran--did you vote?
Alexei--you must vote your conscience! Thanks for voting!
yeah! Celine is out!
I tried to vote (yet again) for Barbra, but I keep getting a "cannot process" message. How can I stuff the ballot box now?
I heart Joan. Always!!!
Thanks for the visit.
BTW, I voted for Barbara. Smooth vocals with power at the right places.
have a great week,
Ok. We'll do this all over again. There are so many great female vocalists, alive and dead, and we're talking about Joan and Ella?
Keep Barbara in the competition please.
Katdoc--I saw where I could click on an X and allow multiple votes, but I figured that would only come back to bite us in the butt--the Joan fans will ring her up to about a million votes! And we can't spend our whole day voting for Barbra....
Angry--another Joan fan...
Texas Trav--Yay, another vote for Streisand!
Mary--amen to that!
Is this one of those polls where if you do not like the results you wipe the slate clean and start over? No matter how many votes you take, my vote is for the one and only Joan Baez.
Hi Delia,
I am afraid that the ballot box is being stuffed. And I am one of the ones doing it. The blog / computer / poll has allowed me to vote several days in a row (for some reason) on this latest poll. I thought that it had erased my vote and was asking me for that reason, but it actually added to the total number of votes each time. I am not sure if it is a daily change or when I sign off the computer and sign back in. (?) But, there is certainly a glitch in the system and it is allowing us to vote many times over. I feel a bit bad about this as I linked your site to several Joan fan sites, and this just doesn't seem fair at this point to have this happening. The discussion has been good, and I hope that more people have learned more about the various singers. I thank you for providing a forum for that. Sorry about the skewed results.
A-ha! Dave is responsible!
I kid. I think it's pretty much a given that Joan Baez is the world's favorite singer. She may not be mine, and she may not be yours--but she's got some effing RABID fans!
I'm still wondering how Dave was able to vote more than once, because I tried to stuff the ballot box for Barbra, but it wouldn't let me! *pout*
I promise I only voted once then voted again when the totals were accidentally lost. Thanks - its been fun watching the posts.
And now it will not let me vote again. Did you change something? I guess we will have to just admit that there are a lot of us out there / here! One last link for those of you who are fans, and for Delia:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EVkEL7d8o4 [Be sure to click on "play in high quality"
SOrry to be so pathetically late to the party, but Ella gives me goosebumps and would have gotten my vote had I not been traveling my shaggy butt all over the country and not keeping up with your wonderful blog. A bit of trivia: Joan had voice lessons, which, when you think about it, totally shows in her attack, and has enabled her to keep her voice for many years. (It's the whole reason I'm taking them now, before it's too late).
But it's Ella for me, all the way. Nobody could sing like Ella, and I've read that she needed only one listen to a new song before she performed it. Nothing like her has ever come since, in my opinion.
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