So--I'm sorry, all you Joan Baez fans--I'm a fan of her guitar-playing, and I love the fact that she loves birds, and her politics and activism are stirring and admirable. But the voice? I gotta say: meh. Give me Streisand or Fitzgerald, or any number of other singers, any day.

Now--for the business of clearing out Celine Dion for someone else. No other singer has gotten more than one comment/vote in the last post update. But we got suggestions: Eva Cassidy, Etta James, and Cher! Please either comment/vote one of these three in, or add someone new--but whoever takes out Celine is going to need at least two votes.
So--who's it gonna be?
P.S.--whilst googling for Joan Baez singing "Cucurrucucu Paloma," one of my favorite songs from when I was wee, I came across this unfortunate display. Watch at your own peril.
That was nice of you dguzman to check out Joan's music. I am a huge fan, and I actually prefer her voice in the middle to later part of her career. I enjoy the lower range and "wider" (richer)aspects of it, and find the "lived in" quality much better. Also, her interpretation of songs now shows her years of life experience. Don't give up on her just yet.
Try this song out (great guitar from Joan and Paul Pesco). "Strange Rivers"
:) Dave
Delia- I'll stick my neck out and say I agree with you about Joan Baez's voice. It sounds weak and falsetto-y to me too.
Now to the replacement for Celine-
that's 5 votes for Eva Cassidy
Another, very moving, recent performance:
Tom Waits' song "The Day After Tomorrow", which will be the title track from Joan's upcoming CD 9/9/08. This is a live concert recording (just Joan & her guitar) from late 2007, that someone put to various images of Joan from over the years. Close your eyes and listen to this very moving rendition of a very timely song.
:) Dave
Sheeez--you guys will go to all lengths to dis poor Joan. Don't forget--she was THE major inspiration for a budding artist named. . .Bob Dylan. Talk about voices that aren't top-rate, but nevertheless a major force in music.
Oh well.
I'm so sorry you don't like Joan Baez. Before you turn her off, listen to "Biko" (about Stephen Biko) and "In the Quiet Morning" (about Janis Joplin). Another of my favorites is "One Too Many Mornings."
And if you find you can't love her voice, that's all right. You can love her guitar skills and human rights activism.
So can I adda vote for Judy Collins ???? Screechhhhhhh .. woo Hoo ......... who who?
Growing up in the age that I did, Miss Joan Baez and Miss Judy Collins were required listening, and I adore both women for their music, their words, and their politics.
But, and I say this with all love and respect, I can't put their voices on the all-time greatest list.
Since my personal choice, Babs, is already on the top four list, we gotta do something to knock Celine off. Have you considered Sarah Vaughn? A great old torch singer. Or Eartha Kitt? No one does "Santa Baby" like she did, plus, she was an awesome CatWoman, LOL!
For someone newer, here's an up-and-coming singer/songwriter who might make the list one day: Alison Sudol ("A Fine Frenzy.") Her CD, "One Cell in the Sea," makes me weep. Check her out here: http://www.afinefrenzy.com/
If need be, I would even vote for Cher to eliminate Celine, the most over-rated singer ever.
I am going to see Judy Collins in concert tonight. I enjoy her voice and she puts on a good show but Joan Baez is my forever favorite singer to listen to and to see perform. Her voice makes my soul itch. Listening to her is like scratching that itch. The more I scratch the more irresistible the itch- the more I hear the more I need to listen.
If you haven't seen Joan Baez in concert, don't miss her. She will be touring in the USA this fall.
Since you need a second recommendation, I will second Lynne's Eva Cassidy. She was a great singer, and I like Lynne.
Dave--I checked out Strange Rivers--still not that impressed. I agree that she got better with age, though.
Lynne--yup, that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Now I'm gonna make you mad and say that while Eva Cassidy is an AMAZING singer, I would rather see Diana Krall hit the top four. Sorry!
KGMom--I realize that she and Bob Dylan were a big thing, and yadda yadda, but hey--I'm not that big a Bob Dylan fan either! Sacrilege! I realize their importance but just don't much like them. The same is true for me regarding Gertrude Stein--a HUGE influence on writers, especially Hemingway, but I don't like to read her. I like to read people who were influenced by her, though, and I respect her for her contributions.
Rabbits' Guy--I too would've picked Judy Collins (or Joni Mitchell) before Baez.
Katdoc--you ROCK. I totally agree with your assessments. I LOVE Sarah Vaughan too. However, I listened to her and then to Billie Holliday singing "Moonlight in Vermont" (a personal fave), and I have to say that Vaughan's rendition was kinda overdone and bombastic compared to Billie's. On certain songs, I think Vaughan tried a little too hard. (again, sacrilege!)
Funnyfarm--I hope you enjoy the concert! And thanks for stopping by the bloggy.
NCMtnWoman--a-ha! A second vote for Eva Cassidy, and she knocks out Celine!
Angry--of course! but did you vote?
Eartha Kitt! Oh yes, I would vote for her. (Just don't tell Joan or any of the lurking fans!) ;)
Oh Lord. This has become a real battle. Hey, as long as Babs is on the list, I'm fine. I don't like others much.
As a great fan of both Joan Baez and Judy Collins in the late 60s and early 70s, I must, alas, admit to myself that after reviewing their albums, Joan does not hold up to my memory of her, or her reputation - and although Judy Collins sang mostly covers and was at the time definitely second or third fiddle to Joan, Judy's incredible vocal clarity and purity, carry across the span of years much better than Ms Baez. This was my own personal surprising discovery.
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