Saturday and Sunday, I helped my friends Niki and Ian move from their apartment in Bellefonte into their new home in Tyrone, 45 minutes away from work. We were all exhausted, as the August heat has come back in full force. Still--we're moved in, and I have my own room and stuff. I get to hang out with them and their 10-month-old little girl baby, Sidney (aka Beanie), too:

However, because the car fell through, and because I was freaked out of my gourd at the thought of having to figure out how to get to class AND how to learn all that crazy shite, I dropped my chem class. It was just too much. Next semester, I'll take the lower-level chemistry 108, in which I'll learn all the crazy shite I would need for Chem 110. Kinda disappointing, but it's also a RELIEF. It would've been too much to deal with this semester.
So I'm still looking at cars, and I'm supposed to go look at my new little nesting site tomorrow (I hope). Then (I hope) I'll move in there this weekend and finally get Niblet, and then set about preening my feathers and tidying my own little nest box.
Breeding, however, is OUT OF THE QUESTION.
That wasn't your Corolla then, as simple as that.
Glad that the lovely Nikki and her family have welcomed you to their nest with such love. I would do the same thing if I lived there.
And my sweet Niblet, I love that face!
The commute would suck, but my door is always open too!
I think you did a smart thing in dropping that brutal chem class. It'll be there waiting for you when your life settles a bit. I agree with franiam- the right car is out there.
{{{HUGS}}} to you-
Fran--exactly right. I may not believe in God, but I believe that things happen for a reason in this crazy old universe. I really miss Niblet, as I don't want to upset him by moving him around a lot. Once I get an apt (I hope this weekend), he'll come to his new home and life will be nibbly again.
Lynne--well, at least I don't have to drive. I sit in the back and stare at the cute baby the whole time. Awesome!
Having a friend who would give you your own room in her new place is golden. With BLING.
I have been meaning to ask about Nibs and the kitties. What ABOUT the kitties? Are they "yours" or "hers"?
Dropping a tough class whilst life is upchucking....totally forgivable.
You almost sound like a Presbyterian--things are meant to happen. Actually, it can be a calming thought. Things tend to work out the way they are meant to.
Repeat--all will be well, and all will be well.
I'm sending good thoughts your way. That's a lot of change all at once. I think you did the right thing by dropping that chemistry class for now.
Don't forget to take care of yourself through all this change.
Delia, that chem class can wait and the right car is out there for are running fast forward, girl. I think of you often. Keep your sense of humor because it will save you!
Let me be the first to say it, much to my surprise.
Dat's a cute baybee.
Seriously D, I doubt you will find a car at a reasonable price (well you might find the price but I'd worry about the condition of the car) in Centre County. Have you considered Altoona where there is more competition to fuel a discount price war?
And hey, since WesVaco shut down you can almost breathe in Tyrone. I spent a weekend in Tyrone for District Band in ...skip it you weren't born yet.
Yay! More bunny pictures, please.
By the ay, you have been awarded the Arte y pico Award!
Boy, you are the prime model for "just keep on keepin' on" ... good luck and yay for Niblet .. thanks for the pic.
Hang in there, before you know it all this will be behind you. That's how problems are, they make a big deal of themselves but once you conquer them they quietly slip away.
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