Here are the best of my crappy photos; it was an overcast and misty day:

Here's the bird with what I first thought was a Semipalmated but someone else called a Least Sandpiper that was working the swimmer's beach alongside the Baird's:

Here's what a real photographer, listserv buddy Ron Crandall, did with the same bird, a much better camera, and getting a lot closer to the bird.
I also saw more Eastern Kingbirds and Eastern Bluebirds than I could count; they were everywhere and the bluebirds were VERY excited, chasing one another in what seemed liked territory-protection displays.

Here's my complete list, courtesy of eBird:
Double-crested Cormorant
Turkey Vulture
Least Sandpiper
Baird's Sandpiper
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
Eastern Kingbird
American Crow
Barn Swallow
Eastern Bluebird
Gray Catbird
Chipping Sparrow (I was delighted to see an adult feeding a juvenile as they foraged on the ground. No pics, though! Couldn't get a good shot in time.)
American Goldfinch
House Sparrow
Great sighting! I've only seen Baird's once.
Those both look like hatch-year bluebirds to me.
Kokolo must have never seen a bird before!
Nice pix .. wish we had some blue colored birds out here - nly the Stellar's Jay and a rare bluebird I never see!
John--so that means ALL the EABLs I saw that day - probably twenty? - were all first-years. Wow. What a great crop of new bluebirds!
Kokolo, sweet jeebus, leave me alone!
Rabbits' Guy--looks like it! When I was out west, I saw a Western Bluebird (beautiful!) and Steller's Jay, but I never saw a Mountain Bluebird. Those look amazing.
I don't think yor photos are crappy-pretty good.Conratulations on the Baird's-I had someone show me one once but if I was being honest with myself I couldn't tell it apart from the others at the time so it didn't really count. Seems like you had a good look.
Larry--thanks! I went there specifically looking for it, and luckily it was next to a bird that was very different from it. Still, had I been all alone--I doubt I'd have gotten it on my own without forewarning. Still--I tried to focus on particular things common to Baird's, like the long wings extending past the tail -- not many sandpipers have that like the Baird's.
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