The last full moon, known to Native Americans as the Buck Moon:

They called it the buck moon because this is the time of year that male deer are growing their antlers; I read that in The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Does anyone else besides me see Marilyn Monroe's face in the full moon? Someday when I get PhotoShop, I'll layer her photograph over the full moon to show you what I mean. Until then -- anyone? anyone? anyone?
Yesterday afternoon, while I was watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for about the fiftieth time, Emerson called me outside to view a rainbow. Here's the right side, which kinda had a faint double bow:
And this is the left side:
Note the light/dark contrast on either side of the rainbow. It seems like we get a lot of rainbows here in Central PA, and they usually occur in the early evening. Is that true everywhere?
This weekend we're all going camping--the family and Gretchen--so I'm totally pumped to build big roaring fires and go fishing and hiking. I hope it doesn't rain! I'll take lots of pictures so you can feel like you came along too.
The center of the rainbow is directly opposite the sun. If the sun is high in the sky, as it is in the middle of the day, a rainbow can't form, because it would be underground! Instead, you see rainbows when the sun is low in the sky, as in the late afternoon and evening. (Or, in principle, in the morning... but the patchy rain and sunshine tends to occur with afternoon storms.)
Hmmmm---Marilyn Monroe's face? Nope--I squinched my eyes up tight and I just don't see it.
You will have to show me on PhotoShop.
Love the moon shoots and the rainbow ones.
Great photos! I saw that red moon on Saturday night, but couldn't get a decent picture.
And no, I don't see Ms. Monroe either, but hey, is that Agent Scully?
Those are some really nice pictures. I like the first moon pic especially.
Gorgeous! I hardly ever see rainbows here, but I have seen many double ones when I used to go to Hawaii a lot. (business, yeah i know what a sucky job...)
Delia, I tried and tried, but I cannot lie. I simply do not see Marilyn Monroe. Sorry.
What I DO see is some amazing photography. Thanks for giving us the rainbow and the Buck Moon.
My third-grade (?) teacher read us a story about an old fisherman who somehow (just don't, for the life of me, remember that part) became the Man in the Moon. Ever since, I always see him there, sitting crosslegged, mending his net. (And it's his net that causes the tides, by the by.)
I would like to see the Marilyn though. Please share.
I don't know, Delia, I'm seeing Eleanor Roosevelt, I think.
At any rate, a nice shot of the moon. I'm never able to get one!
Uh, I see an "o" face.....thats about it.
Coneslayer--welcome to my bloggy! And thanks for that explanation--makes sense. Cool.
KGMom--yes, I'll have to get just the right Monroe pic too.
DCup--Ooh, Scully...
Fran--yeah, that would suck to have to go to Hawaii all the time... NOT!
NCMtnWoman--thank you very much! It's all the camera's work.
Earl--never heard that one.
Nina--Eleanor Roosevelt?! sheesh!
Angry--hee hee hee
Absolutely, I see Marilyn. I have for decades and found your site looking to see what is online about it. I heard about this ages ago, but don't know where. I was looking for someone with a picture of Marilyn's face overlapping the moon.
I have been saying that I see Marilyn's face in the moon for years! I'm so excited that I'm not the only one!!!!!!!!!!
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