So the Flock -- let's see if I can remember to include everyone here --
is busy sending emails to each other, coming up with silly nicknames, and in general cluttering up the Intertubes with flockiness about the New River Birding and Nature Festival in West Virginia in April 2009. What with all the talk of overpacking, shortstacking, lipsmacking, Zickattacking, needleclacking, talkbacking, nutcracking, superstacking, and paddywhacking, we're getting ourselves all a-flutter for the excitement of the spring migration!
I've decided that I'm going to do a series of posts over the coming months highlighting the potential lifers and other birds of note we'll likely see in West Virginia. I'll try to get these going in the next few days. I want to feature a bird, show a photo of it (probably not mine, because let's face it -- my photography skills are lame), and link to a recording of its call. I'm hoping to learn more about the birds we're likely to see so that I just might be able to get some decent looks and photos of them.
Birding's "first family," if we may be said to have a birding first family, Julie Zickefoose, Bill Thompson III, their kids and Chet Baker will be there!
If we're lucky, we might even get to see the strikingly perfect hair of ace birding guide Jeff Gordon!

If you're interested in the festival, click on the link on my sidebar. There are even different registration packages for almost every budget, including "dirt-poor" like me!
I like your idea of sharing a post on a particular bird, photo and being able to listen to it's call. Thanks for doing this. I am considering going to this festival..still putting things together. :)
WOW Bird-tracker, you're kicking it off with a BANG!
Me- I'm just an Uber-slacker...
I'll be studying your posts this winter, dreaming of the lifers in West Virginia waiting for us.
Overpacker, here, saying you are really on the ball, Delia! I'm impressed by your plan to do photos and calls of the potential life birds you anticipate in West Virginia.
As an added lure to those not yet registered for New River, not only will you get to see Jeff Gordon's perfect hair, I can just about guarantee you will see his sexy legs, too!
~Kathi, the One Who Overpacks
Can't wait to see you all again. Will I ever lose the Lurker title?
I will be sure to visit your blog while you are doing this. I am still a newbie so will look forward to your posts.
I am LOLing about your photography skills comment as I am in the same boat.
Have fun on your trip!
Wow--you are making me downright jealous of all the bird frivolity to come.
Sounds like a grand time. And of course, I will be stuck in a classroom with ungrateful freshmen who refuse to learn.
KG Mom, that is what sudden attacks of sickness, lasting from a Wednesday into the weekend, are all about.
ZIckattacker here, assuring you that Jeff Gordon is a yummy superfudgechunk, fabulous birder and very very funny man who also happens to have perfect hair. And a wife, Liz DeLuna Gordon, who takes fun with her wherever she goes and knows something about everything in nature. She'd better show!
Niblet am the cutest bunneh, frogleggin' all over yer carpet!
Tina--it seems like a good way to learn more birds, you know? Hope you can make it too!
Lynne--I thought you were LipSmacker....
Katdoc--sweet knees!
Beth--that's TWO comments on my blog. You're about to lose "the Lurker" off your name!
KGMom--aw, Donna--get someone to take them for a couple days! Come on! Even Zickefoose is telling you to play hooky!
Zickattacker--Lizard and I went to high school together! So she'd better come to WV; no excuses will suffice.
Lucky you :(
Too far for any festival...
Mel--yes, but you LIVE in exotic lands that we can only dream of!
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