In which I continue my series of posts potential lifers (for me, anyway) I might see in Virginia at the New River Bird and Nature Festival in April 2009. Much of the Flock will be staying the entire week of the festival; I will do only the second half of the week, arriving on Wednesday night in time for dinner, then birding Thursday through Sunday morning.
It’s likely that I’ve already seen many ravens up here in PA, but I never learned to tell them from plain old American Crows before now. I’ll frame my ID tips in terms of telling a raven from a crow.
The first ID clue is that ravens are much larger than crows, a fact that right away frightens the bejeesus out of me. I didn’t grow up with crows in South Texas; we had grackles, which are much smaller and aren’t nearly as bloodthirsty as the crows I’ve seen here. (Remember when that crow ate the starling's head?) The Common or Northern Raven is 22–27 inches from beak to tail—like a small cropdusting plane—while an American Crow is “only” 17–21 inches. Cornell describes the raven as “the largest of the songbirds.” *shudder*
Raven on top, crow on bottom (all photos shameless stolen from other sites which I am too lazy to go back and get the links for)--

Ravens, according to Peterson, tend not to congregate in the huge (and poopie-stinky) groups that crows do. (I suppose that’s why Edgar Allen Poe quoted but one raven telling him “Nevermore” as opposed to a whole bunch of crows screaming "caw" at him.) So I guess I won’t have much luck if I look for murders of crows and try to spot the bigger ones as ravens. Still, there are other differences.
When they are perched, ravens have what Peterson refers to as a “goiter” look on their necks, with “shaggy throat feathers” that pooch out a bit. Crows are sleeker in the neck area. Ravens also have slightly chunkier beaks than crows.
Perhaps the easiest way to tell a crow from a raven is during flight. The crow’s tail is squared across, while the raven’s is wedge-shaped. (A Fish Crow’s is also squared across.)
Again, raven on top (with distinctly curved-across tail), crow on bottom (with squared-off tail)--

I happened upon another page that discusses the differences between crows and ravens here.
Next time, we’ll look at a smaller songbird: the Blue-winged Warbler, a pair of which our host Dave Pollard guaranteed we'd see outside the Farmhouse in which much of the Flock will be staying at New River. Until then, I'm hoping to go birding this Sunday morning with Gretchen, my new birding pal Cari and her boyfriend, and perhaps Laurie--all of which (with the exception of the boyfriend) you can see and read about here on my curse-filled political bloggy.
Good luck with Raven spotting. I see Ravens and Crows daily. They are VERY hard to tell apart. Even their calls are very similar. But, basically, if a crow looks crazy big and oversized, it's probably a raven. You can see a lot of pics of Ravens on my blog ( Here is one of my descriptions of the differences between Ravens and Crows --
Hope it helps.
Nice comparison of crows and ravens. All I can say about finding them at New River was that I didn't expect ravens and wasn't looking for them. I was just walking along a path and heard a strange-sounding crow; looked up to see a pair of ravens calling to each other. Sweet!
this is also how I ID'd my first Fish Crows - I heard a weird "caw-ing" sound and looked up to see a smallish crow. Looked it up in a field guide later on and realized what I had seen.
My point being, at least half of bird-watching is really bird-listening.
All the rest of the week, I studied every crow I saw perched or flying along every road I was on. None of them were ravens.
We gots ravens like crazy out here in Northern California. Big birds and very smart.
KatDoc--so you're saying I need to just go birding with you so you can point them out, right? No problem!
Matty Boy--yeah, Corvids are smart. That makes them even more scary.
Ravens from Bah-ston? LOL And sooooo true. The accent up here never fails to amaze me.
I see that not-so-common Raven all the time, the mature one. (Teens and cable, ugh).
In among the sparrows at my feeder, I've got two or three slate colored juncos - or at least I think I do. Small birds like sparrows? And why can't they have a nicer name?
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