because a quarter-pound isn't enough? taken in Lincoln, NEIt's Day 3 of the trip, and we're in Laramie, Wyoming. We've seen so much that it's hard to put it all into a post; I'll just use photos. Other than the one above, I didn't start taking any until we got to Iowa.

sexy curves

what the heck is this bird? Note that the back of his head is red--deep flaming red--down to his wings, unlike a purple finch or a house finch or any other bird I can find. Saw him in Iowa; sorry I didn't get a better pic -- help me ID him! Is it just a house finch????

Cornhusk House Restaurant or something like that -- it was two days ago. In Iowa, I think. Or Wyoming?

Wyoming's Sherman Mountains "point of interest" stuff

the sign about the Sherman Mts. and why they're pink (granite)

some actual Sherman Mts.

a freakishly large Wyoming grasshopper

a beautifully colored (and normal-sized) Wyoming grasshopper

Storms ahead in Colorado's Pawnee National Grasslands, which were STUNNING

these weathered faces near the north exit of Pawnee Ntl Grasslands reminded me of Egyptian temples

huge buttes in the distance at Pawnee Ntl Grasslands

Lifer! Lark bunting

Life mammal pronghorn antelopes! (both lifers still at Pawnee)

the bar where Matthew Shepard met his killers, Laramie, WY (a new bar has opened in the same space as the old Fireside Bar)
Westward ho, young woman.
Traveling mercies, Delia.
I've been thinking of you this week Delia, marching across the map in a little red dotted line.
Love Dar Williams.
Did you see me waving to the north from Minnesota?
You said "huge butts"....
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