Further complicating the situation, my thoughts and impressions about the weekend are almost too numerous, too jumbled to organize. That, along with the post-vacation blahs, has made it hard to put any coherent posts together.
I covered the Friday birding in my last post; now I’ll move on to the Friday evening Birds and Beers session at Jackson Mountain Café. They let us have the top floor, TVs on “Meerkat Manor” and then “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” playing in the background, and a waiter who probably cursed us bitterly every time he had to climb up and down those stairs yet again for another brewski or martini.
All these birders were lifers for me, this being our first in-person meeting. What a great bunch of birds!

BornAgainBirdWatcher, Laura Somewhere in NJ, and a gloomy sea

Birdchick, performing an energetic display ritual and consuming one of her species' favorites, a dirty martini. I don’t want to anthropomorphize, but I’d guess she’s thinking, “Another bride/ Another June/ Another sunny honeymoon/ Another season, another reason/ For makin' whoopee.”
In the “It’s a Small World After All” category, Elizabird and I discovered that we’d gone to high school together! We didn’t recognize each other until she learned that I was from Harlingen, and then she came over and we reminisced and hugged and laughed our heads off, thinking about our time in drama classes, Children’s Theatre, and other antics. Liz is now a big-time birder, married to big-time birder Jeff Gordon of Jeff Gyr fame, and (as if that’s not enough) she was instrumental in starting the Rio Grande Valley Bird Festival! How incredible is it that after 25 years, we would meet in a bar in Cape May, NJ, brought together by our mutual love of birds!? Life never ceases to amaze me.
Here we all are, the birding bloggers: (back row from left) Laura from NJ, (that's Harry Potter and Ron Weasley on the TV), Beth from Easy Ecoliving and Patrick from the Hawk Owl’s Nest, Jeff Gyr and Elizabird, Birdchick and martini, Sheri the hummingbird specialist and author; (front row from left) John the BornAgainBirdwatcher, me looking like some sort of thuglet doing a very scary gangsta pose, Susan Gets Native, Susan at Lake Life, Amy Wildbird on the Fly, and Mike from 10,000 Birds.
What a flock! Next time, we'll move on to Saturday, which started out rainy and miserable but ended up sunny and gorgeous.
Great photos & lots of fun. I think when I post about our Friday night get-together, I'll just link on over to your post. I'm still amazed that you 2 Texas girls ran into each other there!
Thanks, Susan. Isn't it incredible at Liz? That was just crazy.
I love it! And I have been to Jackson Mountain Cafe many times.
What a fab trip for you!!!
You kids look so happy! It makes me glad when people I like have fun and spread joy around.
Quite a rogues' gallery in that group shot. Looks like you all had fun.
And you are right--life is so interesting: meeting up with a high school classmate at a weekend birding trip.
It is a small world, Delia! Very cool that you met an old friend - can't imagine how you hadn't figured it out sooner.
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