A couple of days ago I took the scenic route home, and I thought you might want to come along for the ride.
The late afternoon has always been my favorite time of day. These days, "late afternoon" is coming earlier and earlier. Is there anything more beautiful than a late afternoon sun shining its deep golden light against turning leaves?
I love photos of paths or roads that turn up ahead, leading you to a future about which you can only guess.
Here's a pond that provided some great birding in the spring, but today it was pretty quiet except for some white-crowned and white throated sparrows and a shockingly red cardinal and his more muted mate. They were all the way across, however, and I didn't get any good shots of them.
On the road to my house. Almost there!
Ah, there’s no place like home!
This little American goldfinch in winter plumage let me get within a few feet of him before he flew away.
The next morning, and it’s back to work again.
Beautiful photography, Delia. Nice tribute to a camera, too.
Very nice photo journal, with a great payoff of the li'l goldfinch at the end. Thanks for posting this.
(By the way the post just below it looks like a draft version without pictures. You might want to delete it.)
Thanks, Mary; that means a lot coming from you--your pics are always amazing!
Thanks to you too, matty boy--glad you liked the goldfinch. I think I could've gotten closer but Kat opened the back door and scared him away. And oops--I wonder why it published that no-photo one separately; I had accidentally hit Enter and so it published, but I went back and edited on that post. Weird. Oh well--the vagaries of Blogger are beyond me.
RIP your old camera.
As we would say here in NYC...
So beautiful!
You know, I just realized that my "home" picture of my backyard COULD in fact make it look like I live in the outhouse (the little green structure back there). Oops.
Looks like a lovely fall day!
Not to be silly, but have you tried taking the batteries out of the old camera and then reinserting them? Mine used to freeze up like that when the batteries went dead, but the lens would always retract once I put fresh ones in.
Hi Laura, that was my first thought too, but it didn't work. I actually had to take the battery out of the camera to make it stop showing the Lens Error message, even when the camera is off! (I didn't want that burned on the screen, in case some day it decides to fix itself.) So no dice.
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