Installment No. 2 in my questions for answering. Feel free to answer, and/or to raise your own questions.
1. Am I the only person who, when I'm waiting for a bus/plane/etc., has to look at my ticket, look up at the bus/gate number, look back at the ticket, look back at the number, look around to make sure no one else is looking at me, look back at the ticket, look back at the number, look around to see if anyone else is feeling a little lost so I can ask them if this is indeed the right bus/plane, etc. etc.
2. What is it called when you do what I mentioned in #1?
Professionals might call it OCD!
I've got it too- clutch my ticket, check my watch, the time on the ticket, check the signs, check my watch...
THAT'S IT! I don't even wear a watch anymore because I spend too much time clockwatching as it is.
No answers, just a question of my own. Why is it when I am searching the shelves in a store, someone ALWAYS comes up to me and asks me where to find knitting needles or if the mangoes are ripe?
"I don't work here, people, I am shopping, just like you!" Do I have a tattoo on my forehead that says "store employee"?
People always do that to me too, Kathi. And I'll be wearing sweats and a Dallas Cowboys t-shirt with holes in or something--something completely inappropriate for a store clerk to be wearing--and they'll STILL ask me where the jelly is. ??? I usually try to help, just to keep the theatre-of-the-absurd experience going. "Oh, yes, sir, try Aisle 11!"
I think shopping brings out unusual behavior all around.
I was in a store with my husband once, and a woman approached us and asked if he would mind trying on some clothes for her. Her husband was "just the same size as you"--and she wanted to know how they would look! Can you imagine??
Are you sure you're not wearing a hat that says, "Ask Me Where The Jelly Is?"
'Cause that's happened to me a couple times.
Perhaps I should get a "I don't work here" hat...
OCD - that's ME! I have the same problem with keys. While I'm out at the mall, for instance, I'm constantly rummaging through my handbag or pockets to be sure my keys are there. And I mean like every two minutes. I need to feel them.
I'm a hand-washer, too.
Sad, ey?
It's called normal, isn't it? I also pat myself down to make sure I have everything I'm supposed to and nothing I not supposed to especially on flights. I'll never be caught with a weapon that I forgot about.
Crow: Definitely not! I usually disarm at the car.
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