I saw some good birds, nothing unusual -- but I saw some birds I just couldn't ID. I've been sitting here with my Peterson's Eastern (the 1947 edition), my Peterson's Western (that one's brand new), and Bill Thompson III's Identify Yourself. Still, I'm kinda hesitant on the following birds:
Mystery bird 1:

Mystery bird 2, ID'd by John and Patrick as a Spotted Sandpiper:

Here's the next bird, Mystery bird 3--I sent this one out on the local listserv, and Nick Bolgiano (co-author of the newly updated and revised Birds of Pennsylvania) sent me an email asking for more pics, so we may well get an ID on this guy:

Last one, Mystery bird 4, who indeed turned out to be the same kind of bird as Mystery Bird 2, a Spotted Sandpiper:

Other stuff I saw:

an actual Lesser Yellowlegs
a Least Sandpiper--they're easy: brown and tiny.
a bunch of different dragonflies flitting around. Here, one of the dragonflies was sitting on the mud and touching his tail to the water over and over; you can't even see him, though you can see the ring of waves resulting from his water-tapping. The others were big dragonflies I can't ID.
I tried to ID this damselfly, but I couldn't find one with as much blue on the eyes, head, and thorax and yet no blue on long long tail part. I gave up. Patrick came to the rescue with an ID of Spreadwing sp., probably Slender Spreadwing. Pretty!
This appears to be a Ruby Meadowhawk, albeit a small one.
There were a ridiculous number of butterflies out today as well:
No idea again, but Patrick says Pearl Crescent. Sheesh. Someday I'll gut it up and get a Kaufman's guide to butterflies and moths.
Now THIS one I know--and yet it turns out I DON'T know -- this is the elusive (to me, anyway) Viceroy!:
Patrick pointed out that horizontal stripe across the hindwings, which I missed. For some reason, I thought Viceroys were a little more orange-y. So much for that highly technical field mark point, right?

There were a ridiculous number of butterflies out today as well:

Now THIS one I know--and yet it turns out I DON'T know -- this is the elusive (to me, anyway) Viceroy!:

There were Clouded Sulphurs, Cabbage Whites, a Buckeye, and some others I couldn't photograph or ID.
And what would a beautiful day be without a stunning sunset?

TOugh pics there Delia. 2 is a Spotted Sandpiper. The white shoulder is a good field mark. 4 is one too I think. I'm not touching those others!
The little b-fly is a Pearl Crescent. And the Monarch is actually a Viceroy! Note the black line that goes across the hindwing. THe dragonfly is one of the spreadwing damselflies, maybe Slender Spreadwing.
Patrick beat me to the easier IDs. I agree about the two Spotted Sandpipers and the invertebrates. One thing to keep in mind with late summer shorebirds is that the birds will be in various stages of molt. So the birds may not look exactly as they appear in the book and shape becomes more important.
No help from me whatsoever. But I do love all the photographs.
So nice to have birders and naturalists like Patrick and John to help with IDs! Great that they take the time to help others that are learning.. Thanks guys!
Looks like you had a great day of birds, butterflies and dragons.
Number 1 looks like a Willet to me. It looks like your area sortof has Willets in the summer. I'll have to compare the others to my guidebook.
Birdchick posted a nice picture over twitter that could be helpful: http://twitpic.com/2flp3c
I liked that alligator the dragon flies were messing with ....
Thank you, Patrick and John!
Dawn--if it weren't for these guys, I wouldn't know anything.
Elizabeth--I don't think it was big enough to be a Willet -- but it does look an awful lot like one, now that you mention it. But it just wasn't big enough -- unless it was a juvenile? Guys?
Rabbits' Guy--so THAT'S what they were doing!
shorebirds are very difficult and I'm on a different continent so would have been no help anyway! I like your damselfly and dragonfly photos
I'm with you, D. I can ID solitary sandpiper, killdeer and sanderlings. I think that's it. :)
Crafty Green Poet--thanks!
Susan--we're gonna be in trouble at Cape May!
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