First, there have been many cute buns in the yard; fortunately, they’ve yet to get into the garden:
"Curses! Foiled by this stupid fence!"
Nibbling on a sunflower shoot from spilled birdseed
We’ve seen some springtime babies:
This American bullfrog tadpole was almost four inches long!
What kind of ducks are these? The adults look almost black--American black ducks? Or just mallards in the shade?
Is there a more exciting time in the garden than when the veggies start to appear?
Butterflies and caterpillars are everywhere:
What kind of caterpillar is this, nature fans?
Check out this upclose and personal time with Miss Kitty Claws:
and with Sugar Cookies and Chickie, Em’s stuffed baby bluebird:
Finally, this morning, I went birding with Roana and Nan from the State College Birding Club, and I actually saw an ovenbird! Normally, I just hear them--but we got lucky with this guy. Of course I didn’t have my camera ready. I pretty much birded by ear this morning as we drove through a lot of woodsy areas and heard all sorts of warblers and a hermit thrush--my first time to hear one in the woods. WOW. Now I know why Lang Elliot calls him the best singer in the bird world. We also saw a black bear run across the road and disappear up an impossibly steep mountainside--again, no photo. About the best shot I got was of this beauty:
"I beg your pardon, but are you going to eat me?"
I have to mow the rest of the lawn now, and then I may take the Nibble out into the garden later to see if he’ll succeed in eating the entire ten-foot row of cilantro; I wouldn’t put it past him!
Couldn't you just eat him up?
Herky-Jerky...that's my style.
Great photos! I've never seen a 4-inch long tadpole. My goodness!
Yes, I could just squeeze the little nibbler. Cute!
Lots of nice photos-Veggies already?-Good for you.
Yeah, Larry--can you believe it? We had a great salad last night with lettuce, spinach, and young yellow squash; we should have tomatoes in maybe three weeks.
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