Friday, October 19, 2007

Disapproving rabbits in book form

Went to Barnes & Noble yesterday and saw Disapproving Rabbits!

Congratulations to Birdchick Sharon Stiteler, and to her ever-disapproving cover-model-bun Cinnamon! Finally, rabbits everywhere have a voice.

And look--here's the thank-you page: There I am!

On the way to B&N, I passed a car with a little sticker on his back window that said, "one by one the rabbits are stealing my sanity." I was in a hurry, though, and couldn't get a photo of it.

Next weekend is Cape May, and this weekend is play-with-camera! I can't wait.


Fran said...

There you are- published, in a manner of speaking! That is great and I love the book cover!!!

Speaking of being in a big rush and no time to snap, there is a pond near here.(albany home) The pond has ducks, geese, sea gulls and other birds around; it is near a supermarket but there is a nice green space around the pond.

Today there was a group of what appeared to be birding photogs all snapping away. I was aleady late for a meeting so I couldn't stop, but I did think of you!

Happy Camera-ing!

In_Flight said...

Enjoy cape may. I heard its beautiful this time of year.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I am so jealous. Congrats.

Mary said...

What a thrill to see your name in print at a BOOKSTORE! Congrats!

Start packing, Delia! Work that camera!

LauraHinNJ said...

I'm hoping the Birdchick will have a few books along in Cape May that I can buy for my bunny friends.

Somewhere I read that you're hoping for twenty lifers in Cape May (where did I see that and why can't I find that post?)

There will be plenty of butter-butts - promise! What other birds are you hoping for?

pissed off patricia said...

You are going to have so much fun next weekend. I can't wait to see the pics.

dguzman said...

Fran, sounds like a neat place to check for migrant birds!

Phil, Dr. Monkey, and Mary--I'll be thinkin' of ya!

Laura--I actually have that in my sidebar--I'm making up a list now and will post about it.

PoP--Wish you could be there!